Friday, March 11, 2011

Fire Pit Regulations Sacramento

The Spanish club also triumphed in merchandising

companies of the 5 major European leagues have a revenue from merchandising and licensing market amounted to 631 million euro. This is one of the key findings emerging from the European Football Merchandising Report 2010 produced by the consulting firm leader in sports business, SPORT + MARKT, Marketing and PR, who interviewed a total of 182 top clubs and over 10,000 people in ten countries. During the 2009/2010 season, teams from France, Germany, England, Italy and Spain recorded an increase greater than 6% over the study conducted in 2008.

For the first time the teams of La Liga, which recorded revenues of around EUR 190 million last season, came to occupy the top spots in the standings. However, while in the case of Spain, 80% of revenue is attributable to the two top club Real Madrid CF and FC Barcelona, \u200b\u200bthe 168 million euro of revenue generated by English teams are distributed more evenly. Here you place the Bundesliga Germany with € 130 million in revenues from merchandising, with a clear lead over the Serie A (77 million euro) and the French Ligue 1 championship (euro 67 million). According to Peter

Rohlmann PR MARKETING "The market for merchandising in Europe are still booming and still are mostly less well established leagues that have the prospect of significant growth, as they are gradually recognizing the importance of the merchandising team to manage and growth of the brand. "

Adding in revenues of the teams of the major championships of Poland, the Netherlands, Russia, Turkey and Ukraine, the teams of the 10 leagues generate a total estimated revenue 727 milioni di euro legati al mercato delle licenze e del merchandising. Questo valore corrisponde al 7,3% del giro d’affari totale prodotto dalle leghe analizzate. Estrapolando i dati in termini di introiti da vendite in base ai singoli modelli di gestione delle squadre, tale somma corrisponde ad un volume totale di mercato di 2,1 miliardi di euro. Oltre la metà di questa cifra va attribuita ai prodotti delle dieci squadre più popolari. Il merchandising con il logo del Real Madrid o del Barcellona è il più richiesto. Anche Milan (7° posto) e Inter (8° posto) rientrano nella top ten delle squadre con il maggior ricavo dalle vendite di merchandising.

L’articolo di merchandising più venduto tra le squadre europee remains the top. During the 2009/10 season have been sold 13.7 million replica jerseys. The two giants of sports, Adidas and Nike have achieved a market share of approximately 83% while the remaining 34 providers in the top ten leagues have sold 2.3 million mesh (17%).

"Most of the revenue of many teams is derived from the sale of T-shirts, often in a proportion equal to or greater than 50% of total revenues of merchandising," said Giorgio Brambilla Director of SPORT + MARKT Italy. "Obviously, cultural differences have a specific gravity when it comes to choosing the gadget of your favorite team, for example, the Italian fans are stock up on hats and caps, while in Germany by storm flags and pennants. "


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