Tuesday, April 20, 2010

What Does It Mean Bilirubin

It was a dark and stormy night .... AH NO!
was almost the end of December when it arrives in the office mail ...

I copied everything on a mail because I would never want the person who sent it through a google search to find ... (Ps. punctuation you have taken away along with cats)
receive this request (including the other a / a citizen of the city but who do not live in the province ERGO FOR HIM / HER WE CAN NOT DO ANYTHING!) I read the first and colleague T. We are astonished
"with love and so on?!?" W love! Among other things, this person lives in a lot of distance from the house where the cats (or rather had) type house and maybe not for someone with a little 'heart just seeing these two regions called the animal protection?!?

----------------------------------------------- E 'Dec. 31 and are two minutes between 24:58 and will close cabin puppets and we're going to cram a few New Year's Eve. Me and Mr T. begin to shoot crap including the nomination "Report received more trash" e stavamo elencando tutte le varie opzioni..tra cui anche quella di cui qua sopra.. quando a un certo punto suona il telefono...
collega T=cT
persona smarritrice di gatti=psdg

cT. : buongiorno XXX
psdg: buongiorno, guardi io avevo inviato una segnalazione la scorsa settimana di due gatti uno ( e rifà tutta la descrizione dei due gatti )
cT: ah si mi ricordo (eh come scordarlo?!)
psdg: perchè io quando sono andata alla casa di XX ho visto che il vetro di una finestra era rotto, ma poco tanto da passarci un gatto. magari è uscito dalla porta e poi non è più riuscito ad entrare (lasci la porta aperta nella casa di campagna per il gatto???)
cT: eh non I know, did you complain?
psdg: you have gone to the police
CT: What did they say?
psdg: and they came to see me and they said that maybe the cat wanted to go out and gave a fatal blow to the window breaking (CAT SAN - in fact the owner was not there when he took lessons from master Miagi)
cT. (Which was about to die laughing) ah O_O I understand
psdg: What can I do? I had a dog before and I have stolen those cats too, if you think I give the microchip number to the police manage to track him down with the satellite ?!?!?

cT: Look, do not think so. can try to hear the various kennels della zona...
psdg: ah grazie allora. arrivederci

collega T. e io eravamo fuxia dal ridere... ma la gente quante minchiate spara?!??!


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